Week 11 Response: Earl of Worcester

The Earl of Worcester–Hotspur’s uncle–was a man that was very shrewd and manipulative. He is able to twist anything in his favour, getting what he wants whilst looking like the good guy. Basically, Worcester is the mastermind behind the Percy rebellion, but nobody really knew since he was skillful at doing things behind the scenes, pretending to be oblivious to it all. Having these traits makes him a rebel–probably the most rebellious character of the play.

Week 10 Response: Who ate the cheese?

George: I can’t believe you did it!

Tony: A. Watch your tone and B. it wasn’t me!
George: Yeah? It wasn’t you? Well, explain this! (takes out a photo of Tony eating cheese)

(Steve enters)

Steve: What’s going on?

George: Oh, fancy you coming here! Do you want to tell Tony what you saw last night?

Steve: Listen, A. Watch your tone and B. It wasn’t me!

George: But you saw it!

Steve: Leave me out of this!

George: You started this in the first place!

Tony: Listen, you both saw nothing! (takes out a paddle stick and smacks George and Steve)

Week 9 Response: Modern Day Falstaff and Prince Henry

Falstaff: What’s the time, mate? Huh, Hal?

Prince Henry: You can’t even talk properly because of all the alcohol you drink! You are so wasted! Look at you! You look like a mess! You have to lay off that food. You’re a blob! Take-away food isn’t any good! You don’t need to know the time… unless the hour glasses were Coronas, the minutes were pizzas, and the clock was the most tempting seductress.

Falstaff: See, now you’re talking, Hal! Party people like us operate at night by the moon and the stars and sleep during the day. You know what Hal, I think I’ll continue calling you mate when you become king, rather than “your grace”, since you don’t have any.

Prince Henry: What? Noe even for a little bit?

Falstaff: Nah, not at all!

Prince Henry: Just stop wasting my time! What do you want?

Falstaff: Alright, calm down!. I want you to stop the blame that the workers receive for supposedly wasting daylight by sleeping through it. When you become king, make us fancy–give us fancy names–give us a great reputation!